Birth Stories TOP Images of 2020

Take a look down memory lane as we celebrate the birth of a few babies born in Lafayette, Indiana. Thankfully our local hospitals allow a doula and their support person during labor and birth.

If interested in Doula Support/Birth Photography for 2021 please email

The Birth of Madeline

Madeline's birth was the first one I attended, besides the birth of our own children. Her mom, Caitlin, was so sweet for allowing me in her sacred space to capture these moments for their family. Now, births are definitely about you, your significant other and the baby,.. but I want to tell you, I learn so much about relationships during this time! As you'll see in the following images, birth is teamwork, and Caitlin, wow, was she amazing during those contractions!

By the time Madeline was born, it was middle of the night. They also didn't know her gender until birth, which was exciting to be there for! When it was time, Caitlin didn't push for long, and their sweet baby girl made a fast entrance!

Madeline had to get checked right away, dad was so proud to take her back to mom. The love these two have, seriously warmed my heart.

Something that night clicked for me, and the journey of becoming a doula began.

The Birth of Parker

You might not believe me if I told you I met Leann at our chiropractors office. I quickly learned Leann and Kyle would be come very good friends of ours. Leann's birth didn't progress easily and ended up in a C-Section. I give so many props to mom's who have to have one.

You might not believe me either, but there was a time when family was allowed in the hospital along with the family.. but you'll see in the background the amazing support team they had!

The Birth of Isabella

It's truly magical attending a birth when both partners communicate so well together. Jennifer was my first doula client after the pandemic began. Besides being there to take photos, being there to support a birthing person has been a highlight this year.

Due to medical reasons, Jennifer had to be induced, and wow, her induction went smoothly! We were both shocked at how fast she was dilating, before we knew it, it was time to push. After a few discussions, it was decided she would pull her baby up to her chest, and the two of them would get to announce gender!

Look at all that vernix!